Can I help you help others to pray?

I am passionate about the privilege of prayer … that we are invited into conversation with God, the one who made us, knows us and loves us.

I am passionate about the joy of prayer … that each person’s prayer-life should be unique and life-giving; that prayer only really comes alive when we learn to be ourselves in God’s company, because it is as much about personality as spirituality.

I am passionate about the power of prayer … that prayer is right at the heart of God’s interaction with this world, and that when we pray, things change.

I am passionate about the purpose of prayer … that if our world is to become a fairer, kinder place where the Kingdom of God comes to life, then it will only happen because we have put prayer at the centre of all that we do.


I’ve been passionate about prayer for most of my adult life. I received some amazing teaching on it, from various different wise and wonderful people, while I was a student, and that kindled a fire in me to want to help other people discover prayer for themselves.

After my studies, I worked for my local Anglican Church, which gave me the opportunity to learn about the part prayer plays in the life of a congregation. I then became The Salvation Army’s UK Prayer Co-ordinator, a job which I did for almost 10 years, before going freelance in 2011.

It’s been my privilege to work with all sorts of organisations, helping to plant prayer ever more deeply into the soil of the Church. Most of my work has been with The Salvation Army, but I have also worked with 24-7 Prayer, Connecting the Isles (a group linking prayer across the British Isles), and several regional prayer networks.

I am also part of the Canterbury Boiler Room, an inter-church prayer community in Canterbury, where I live.

I’ve taught on prayer in all sorts of different places over the past 25 years, working with The Salvation Army, 24-7 Prayer, Spring Harvest, New Wine and the New Wine Leaders Network, Tearfund, Lydia Fellowship International, the Bless Network, and many local churches.

I’ve also written on prayer for various publications including ‘Woman Alive’ magazine, BRF’s ‘Day by Day with God’ daily Bible readings, UCB’s ‘Prayer for Today’ magazine and various Salvation Army publications, to name but a few.

… And at last I’ve also written a book on prayer – something I’ve wanted to do for years.

‘Prayer in the Making: Trying it, talking it, sustaining it’ is published by BRF, and you can find out more about it here:

‘Prayer in the Making: Trying it, talking it, sustaining it’, BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship) 2019


Things I do:

I love both writing and speaking on prayer, and it may be that one or both of these would be of use to you.


I thoroughly enjoy teaching on prayer, whether in a workshop setting, a Sunday service or something like a prayer breakfast. You may want to ask me to teach on a particular aspect of prayer, or you could leave it to me to ask God what I should bring … either approach is fine with me.

(NB. In this season of increased online gatherings, I’m afraid I’m unable to accept speaking invitations for online events as my home broadband isn’t sufficient unto the task of assuring reliable connection.)



There’s a lot of written material on prayer out there, but sometimes it’s not quite what you need. You might be considering a season of prayer in your church, or a study on prayer for your home group, but you can’t quite find the right thing. If so, get in touch, because I might just be able to write a tailor-made resource for your situation.

If you’d like to invite me or commission me, please do complete the form on the Contact page of this site and your email will come direct to my inbox.

I do charge a fee for speaking and writing, and I’ll always let you know what that fee will be as soon as we’ve discussed what you’d like me to do.